Thursday, May 23, 2019

Introduction to Communication in Health Essay

List below the different reasons why people communicateCommunication is an integral part of life. Communication satisfies our constant need to relate to other(a)s, and reserve them relate to us. We use communication for numerous reasons, including persuading, to seek study, to express emotion.Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of your own workIf you dont surface effective communication the person/people you atomic number 18 communicating to may not understand what it is you are saying/asking. They may also misinterpret what you spurious therefore giving you an invalid response.Explain why it is important to observe an individuals reactions when communicating with them Its important to view reactions, because only partially of communication is verbal, meaning that you are gong to be missing out on a large part of communication if you arent paying maintenance to peoples facial and bodily reactions. Face-to-face communication is the strongest and tightest cou pled method of communication we find.Read more thanDifferent reasons people communicateessayExplain how you have found out about an individuals communication and language needs, wishes and preferencesAsking the service user, talking to colleagues, reading care plans and medical notes, asking relatives, are the ways to found out about an individuals communication and language needs, wishes and preferences.List the barriers to communication lyric barrierPsychological barriersGender barriers kitchen-gardening barriersEmotional barriersPhysical barriersIf no ability to form ideas or to use a relative method of interacting with someone. Personal incompetence in communicating in an appropriate way with other people. Use of jargon or slang. Too much entropy not able to process everything and take any more information in.Explain how you have identified sources of information and support or services to enable more effective communication.Translation Services Can foster with changing wr itten text from one language to another.Interpreting Services Can help in converting spoken language to another language.Speech & Language Services Can support people who have had a stroke and have problems with their speech.Advocacy Service Can support people who are inefficient to speak up for themselves. This service tries to understand the needs, wishes and preferences of people, and will argue on their behalf.Explain the term confidentiality and how you implement it in your workplace Confidentiality has been defined by the global Organization for Standardization (ISO) as ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access. Confidentiality is defined as keeping something secret, specifically relating to private information or communications. Confidentiality relates to the duty to maintain confidence and thereby respect privacy. Under the ethical principle of respect for a persons autonomy, public health workers have an obligation to respect priv acy.Describe situations where information normally considered to be confidential might need to be passed onSometimes confidential information about a node may need to be passed on to others. If there is a risk of danger or harm to the client, or other people, if abuse is suspected or if there is suspected misconduct by/of a colleague, in respect of care of a client. You must inform the client why the information needs to be passed on to others, and that it is your responsibility to do so.Explain how and when to seek advice about confidentialityThis will be outlined in corporation policies and procedures or codes of practice. The Data Protection Act 1998 was made to protect a persons personal and sensitive information.

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